Annotated bibliography - Environmental policy
Article / bookGarcia Pérez de León, C. (2011). Coalition Formation and Agenda Setting in EU Environmental Policy after the Enlargement. Les Cahiers Européens de Sciences Po., 5, 2-14.
Haverland, M. (2009). How leader states influence EU policy-making: Analysing the expert strategy. European Integration Online Papers, 13. Meyer, J (2014). Getting started: Agenda-setting in European Environmental Policy in the 1970s. In J. Laursen (Eds.), The Institutions and Dynamics of the European Community, 1973-83. Baden-Baden: Nomos Princen, S. (2009). Agenda-setting in the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Princen, S. (2012).Agenda-setting. In A. Jordan & C. Adelle (Eds.), Environmental Policy in the EU. Actors, Institutions and Processes (pp. 191-208). Third edition London: Routledge. Skjærseth, J.B., Bang, G. & Schreurs, M. (2013). Explaining Growing Climate Policy Differences Between the European Union and the United States. Global Environmental Politics, 13(4), 61-80. Skodvin, T., Gullberg, A. T. & Aakre, S. (2010). Target-group influence and political feasibility: the case of climate policy design in Europe. Journal of European Public Policy, 17(6), 854-873. Spendzharova, A. & Versluis, E. (2013). Issue salience in the European policy process: what impact on transposition?. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(10), 1499-1516. |
DescriptionIntroduces a mixed model of coalitional bargaining and agenda setting (in the EP) to explain legislative decision making in the face of preference heterogeneity after the eastern enlargement. Abstract
Analyses how the mobilisation of government officials and related experts helps to advance leader states’ interests in EU policy-making, applying this to the Dutch government’s involvement in EU chemical policy. Abstract Uses an agenda-setting approach to understand the creation of EU environmental policy during the 1970s. This book develops a theoretical and methodological framework for studying agenda-setting processes in the European Union, and applies it in the fields of health and environmental policy. Textbook introduction to agenda-setting in EU environmental policy, focusing on seven key characteristics of EU environmental agenda-setting. Argues that the agenda-setting privileges of policy-makers, the dynamics of issue linkages, and legislative rules and procedures may account for the differences between EU and US climate change policies. Abstract Argues that target groups’ capacity to influence the spectrum of politically feasible policy options tends to be higher when target groups control resources needed by decisionmakers that are agenda-setters and/or veto players in the decision-making process. Abstract Examines the extent to which issue salience influences the timeliness of transposing EU environmental directives in national legislation. Abstract |