Annotated bibliography - Agenda-setting and integration theory
Article / bookPrincen, S. (2012). Agenda-Setting and the Formation of an EU Policy-Making State. In J. Richardson (Eds.), Constructing a Policy-Making State? Policy Dynamics in the EU (pp. 29-45). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stephenson, P. (2012). Image and venue as factors mediating latent spillover pressure for agenda-setting change. Journal of European Public Policy, 19(6), 796-816. |
DescriptionDiscusses the relationship between agenda-setting theory and integration theories and outlines the contribution that the agenda-setting approach could make to the study of European integration processes.
Seeks to reconcile the neofunctionalist and agenda-setting literatures. Tracing the ‘issue career’ of Community rail infrastructure on the EU’s policy agenda, it shows how strategies to gain attention and build credibility mediate latent spillover pressures in order to secure agenda-setting change. Abstract |