Scientific Publications
- Petya Alexandrova. (2017). Institutional issue proclivity in the EU: the European Council vs the Commission. Journal of European Public Policy 14 (5): 755-774. Abstract.
- Marcello Carammia, Sebastiaan Princen and Arco Timmermans. (2016). From Summitry to EU Government: An Agenda Formation Perspective on the European Council. Journal of Common Market Studies 54 (4): 809-825. Abstract.
- Petya Alexandrova, Anne Rasmussen and Dimiter Toshkov. (2016). Agenda Responsiveness in the European Council: Public Priorities, Policy Problems and Political Attention. West European Politics 39 (4): 605-627. Abstract.
- Petya Alexandrova and Marcello Carammia. (2016). Configuración de la Agenda en la Unión Europea. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto 55: 33-59. Link.
- Petya Alexandrova. (2016). Explaining Political Attention Allocation with the Help of Issue Character: Evidence from the European Council. European Political Science Review 8 (3): 405-425. Abstract.
- Petya Alexandrova. (2015). Upsetting the Agenda: The Clout of Focusing Events in the European Council. Journal of Public Policy 35 (3): 505-530. Abstract.
- Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia, Sebastiaan Princen, and Arco Timmermans (2014). Measuring the European Council Agenda: Introducing a New Approach and Dataset. European Union Politics 15 (1): 152-167. Abstract.
- Alexandrova, Petya, and Arco Timmermans. (2014). Agenda Dynamics on Energy Policy in the EU. In Jale Tosun, Sophie Biesenbender and Kai Schulze (eds.) Energy Policy Making in the EU: Building the Agenda. London: Springer, pp. 41-62.
- Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia and Arco Timmermans. (2014). EU High Politics: The Policy Agenda of the European Council, 1975-2010. In François Foret and Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer (eds.) The European Council and European Governance. The Commanding Heights of the EU. Abingdon: Routledge. Book description and purchasing available here.
- Petya Alexandrova and Arco Timmermans. (2013). National Interest versus the Common Good: The Presidency in European Council Agenda Setting. European Journal of Political Research 52 (3): 316-338. Abstract.
- Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia and Arco Timmermans. (2012). Policy Punctuations and Issue Diversity on the European Council Agenda. In Policy Studies Journal 40 (1): 69-88. Abstract
- Sebastiaan Princen. (2011). Agenda-setting Strategies in EU Policy Processes. Journal of European Public Policy 18 (7): 927-943. Abstract.
- Sebastiaan Princen. (2010). Agenda Setting. In Esther Versluis, Mendeltje van Keulen and Paul Stephenson (eds.) Analyzing the European Union Policy Process. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-131. More information here.
- Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez, and Sophie Jacquot. (2009). Que Fait l’Europe? [What is Europe Up To?] Presses Sciences Po. More information is available here.
- Sebastiaan Princen. (2009). Agenda-Setting in the European Union. Palgrave. More information is available here.
- Sebastiaan Princen, Sylvain Brouard, Laura Chaques, Christopher Green-Pedersen, Will Jennings, Peter John and Luz Muñoz. (2009). ‘Les Dynamiques d’Agendas Multiniveaux dans la Politique Environnementale de l’Union Européenne’, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 16 (3): 485-502. Abstract.
- Sebastiaan Princen and Bart Kerremans. (2008). Opportunity Structures in the EU Multilevel System. West European Politics 31 (6): 1129-1146. Abstract.
- Sebastiaan Princen. (2007). Agenda-setting in the European Union: A Theoretical Exploration and Agenda for Research. Journal of European Public Policy 14 (1): 21-38. Abstract.
- Sebastiaan Princen and Mark Rhinard. (2006). Crashing and Creeping: Agenda-setting Dynamics in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy 13 (7): 1119-1132. Abstract.
Policy and General-Public-Oriented Publications
- Petya Alexandrova. (2015). Analysis of Agenda Setting in the European Council, 2009–2014. Published by European Parliamentary Research Service. Link.
- Marcello Carammia, Arco Timmermans, Sebastiaan Princen and Petya Alexandrova. (2012). Analyzing the Policy Agenda of the European Council. Perspectives on Europe 42 (2): 41-46. Link.
- Arco Timmermans and Petya Alexandrova. (2011). Comparing Policy Agendas in Europe and North America. Perspectives on Europe 41 (2): 61-66. More information is available here.
External Publications Using Data Developed by the EU Policy Agendas Team
- Chryssogelos, A. (2016). The EU’s crisis of governance and european foreign policy. London: Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Link.
- Citi, M. and Justesen, M. K. (2016). Institutional Constraints, Legislative Activism and Policy Change: The Case of the European Union. European Journal of Political Research 55 (3): 609-625. Abstract.
- Stefania Panebianco. (2012). L’Unione Europea “potenza divisa” nel Mediterraneo. In Carla Monteleone (ed.) Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale. FrancoAngeli, pp. 201–214.